Home Care Tips For Amazing Hair Between Salon Visits

Hair Care is so important in your everyday regime. Just like taking care of your skin, your hair requires the same tender loving care.

When you left the salon last time, remember that feeling of the complete ‘IT,’ factor you had? You had that fresh hair spring in your step and I want to make sure this is something you can create everyday at home.

Some home care tips to make you and your hair GLOW and GROW!

1. Using a bond rebuilder regularly.

Now, what's a bond rebuilder? K18 and OLAPLEX 3 two products that have been game changing for the hair world. They have allowed stylists and clients to push the boundaries and experience the most healthy hair possible.

Just like going to the gym though this product was built to be used regularly. One application won't change your hair, consistently will.

Have you ever had botox? These two products together will strengthen, shine and refine your blonde. It will also allow your hair to grow healthy.

So yep! I am talking to you! The one who's had your Olaplex 3 placed in the back of your bathroom cupboard since 2020? I see you. Go to your bathroom cupboard and it's time to do a haul. Throw out all old styling products or treatments you've left for dead and move forward all the products you want to use again.

Make a time with yourself that from this day forward once a week you have a date night with YOU and pop in your treatment. Make is a nice process and enjoy giving yourself some self love.

2. Free In Salon Consultations

Have you had a consultation with your stylist to go through your home care?

If you haven't had a full consultation from your stylist in a while it's time to come in to Moosh Hair Salon for a FREE consultation.

Buying the same product your bestie loves isn't always the right product for you. Results come from personalised prescriptions. Let us talk you through your concerns and find a regime that suits you and your lifestyle.

3. Moisture Treatments

These products are missing from most people's regime! Thirsty hair can start to look dull, dry and brittle. Give yourself a moisture masque once every 2 weeks and notice the difference.

Two of our favorites are:

MONEY MASK BY WOW- A deeply hydrating treatment, rich in Mediterranean plant-based proteins, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals, that is the key to super glossy, supple and expensive looking hair.

It lasts in the hair for up to 3 washes with one application and contains a heat protectant. This mask is a the most luxe mask on the market and results are immediate.

THE HYDRATE ME MASQUE KEVIN MURPHY- Its unique and powerful formula is full of antioxidants and vitamins that will deliver an intense boost of moisture directly onto your hair. Moreover, it also helps maintain these hydration levels, for healthy, elastic, and bouncier hair.

Your locks will feel softer and silky-smooth, their newly-returned shine only matched by their manageability and strength. Wait no longer, feed your strands this hydrating and deeply satisfying shampoo and never let them crave water again.

Hey girl, thanks for finding our page and I hope you find some the gold nuggets you're looking for when it comes to hair care home tips;


Which one K18 or Olaplex?

It can be hard to pick between K18 or Olaplex, find out which one is right for you!

Hair Home Care Tips

Just like taking care of your skin, your hair requires the same tender loving care.

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Just like taking care of your skin, your hair requires the same tender loving care.